Geocoins I've Found

Geocoins I've Found In Caches! That is what it page is all about, often times when I'm Geocaching I find the geocoin, it can be almost anything at this point, I'd love to find a 2,000,000 geocoin, made this year for the 2 Millionth find. Here are a few shots of geocoins I've found. I noticed that on the official page for a particular geocoin, that photos aren't always shown, this should in some small part help with that.

This is the first Geocoin I found, its a nice country shape coin. Its always exciting to find Geocoins that aren't round coin shaped. (see above 2 Million coin) So this being the first that I'd found, I didn't really know any better.

USA to Germany, then back again Geocoin

Sorry for the quality, at the time I hadn't thought of doing a blog!

This is a great Smiley Face Geocoin, you can't help but like this one, I mean come on, it smiles at you :) This one I didn't expect, the container was kind of small, but there it was, in its nice yellowness. I'd like to get one of these of my own, I haven't seen this guy since Jan 2013 when I placed him in my first FTF cache. Originally I picked it up in Connecticut on my New England cache tour. Found it! Geocoin

Hope no one minds, (the owner I mean) but I don't have a good shot of this one and its one of my favorites, just to let everyone know, I plan on shooting any coins I get in the future myself, once I make that change I'll let you know.

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