So this one was a couple of firsts for me, I had to find it at night, and it had a combo lock on it as well, this is the Flat Black Tool Box Cache With Lock , one of my favorite caches, mainly because it was so different, at least for me. It had plenty of room, very secure obviously, and at night, it really blends in with the eerie darkness of the woods!
I created this blog to talk about my Geocaching adventures. Not a cache by cache but just some of the things I've discovered so far. I'm posting a cache types blog, and 2 Geocoin blogs and maybe later a travel bug blog. I've been considering another blog about the things you find in caches, hope you enjoy it! Rules of Blog: I make the rules ( not that I'm some almighty blog maker, that is just the way it is)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Small Non-Camo Lock & Lock Cache
Here is a common Small Non-Camo Lock & Lock Cache in its native environment, its not moving right now, but if some intrepid Geocacher comes along it will spring to life. These are waterproof and big enough for some nice swag. I have one at home that I store some of my Geocaching stuff inside.
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Small Non-Camo Lock & Lock Cache |
Monday, March 25, 2013
Turn To Extract Log Cache
I considered naming it NTN Cache, for no tweezers needed cache, but I'm sticking with the Turn To Extract Log Cache , I believe this was either an old Chapstick container or real cheap Lipstick container, not sure which. But as mentioned in the description, if you can't get the log out, just twist the bottom, NICE! Aren't many self log extracting caches out there, well none that I've seen yet. Not sure how waterproof this is, but it was dry inside, and the placement most likely had a lot to do with it, standing straight up, wedged in a tree 4 ft off the ground. Only enough space for a log though, a true micro. The brown paint was coming off, but since the tree had no green where is was jammed in at, the camo worked.
Turn Me For Log ( too many naming possibilities) |
Small Silver Bison Tube With Mouse Cache
I almost didn't see this one hiding by a sign in the grass, the Small Silver Bison Tube With Mouse Cache , seems to be the least constricting to the creature that I've found, though I think he might have a rough time with some bodily functions! At least he was in a nice setting on a hill with a great view. This bison will probably have some issues with water, the "O" ring is conspicuously missing.
Ahh!! Help Me Some Big Silver Object Is Chasing Me |
Flip Up Type Magnetic Hide A Key Cache
Very similar to the standard MHK, this one the Flip Up Type Magnetic Hide A Key Cache , is slightly more waterproof, on a scale of 1 to 10, the standard MHK is about a 3 and this one maybe a 5. I think it might even float with a key in it, but I haven't tried this, so do not use keys you need if your thinking of experimenting in large deep bodies of water. Its also slightly more roomy, but not by much. Magnetic caches are fun, sometimes people put them in very unexpected spots, usually its a guard rail, but not always.
Flip Up Type Magnetic Hide A Key Cache |
Small Black Bison Tube Cache
The even more feared at night, Small Black Bison Tube Cache . Painted flat black so as not to shine at all, and though you can't tell in this shot, it was in a hole, but he did leave the shinny silver ring to reflect my crappy led light. A black bison can be used in lots of situations, inside of concrete car stop holes, in holes in macadam, in holes in trees, in fact lots of dark holes are attracted to it, so that is why it ends up in them, well, maybe not.
Small Black Bison Tube Cache |
Small Green Bison Tube Cache
Here is the Small Green Bison Tube Cache in its native habitat. Nice how it matches its surroundings, some how I found it at night with a tiny little cheapo key chain light, the bison tube is a favorite for trees and bushes as it can be attached easily with the tie wraps ( a Geocachers' Godsend). The micro is one of the good cache size for public areas, this one was by a strip mall with tons of traffic, and traffic lights placed close by to thwart the Geocacher, ie cars stopped at a light with muggles inside with nothing better to do than stare and point at the suspicious looking guy in the bushes!
Small Green Bison Tube Cache (with tie wrap buddy) |
Green Match Container Guarded By Frog Cache
What a nice surprise, a Green Match Container Guarded By Frog Cache , these are obviously waterproof, or they wouldn't be any good for their original use, to keep matches dry! DUH! The frog is probably also waterproof, I mean most frogs are. They go together nicely, the container is big enough for a log and some small swag, or a small pencil. Frogs aren't real vicious, so you don't have to worry about retrieving this one.
Another Creature Of Nature Tied Up! |
Tiny Camoed Tupperware Cach
Just came across this Tiny Camoed Tupperware Cache , really only room for something real small and a log, it is waterproof and nice for cramped locations, not sure where you can get them this small, but I'm sure they are available online somewhere. Gotta love camo duct tape!
I'm So Small, So Very Small! |
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Small Red Bison Tube Cache
Here is the plain old Small Red Bison Tube , used many times in high muggle area's due to the small size. The bison is often attached to trees and fences, but can be used in many capacities. I especially like how some cache placers attach many things to them to make their caches special and stand out from the normal plain bison tube. Also due to their light weight, they are sometimes attached to a chain or cord and placed inside tree cavities and all kinds of tube, I've seen them inside fence posts under the caps. They are very versatile. When I first encountered them I didn't think much of them, but I've come to respect how cool they can be.
Small Red Bison Tube Cache (sorry about my finger in the shot, I'll update the photo later) |
Snipe Bison Tube Cache
This is the Snipe Bison Tube Cache , he was hanging around in the tree, not sure if he really is a Snip, but that was the claim. I don't suppose he could fly that well with that small silver bison tube strapped to his neck, not to mention his claws being strapped to the limb. I've only recently come upon these types of caches with "creatures" attached to them, it makes the bison tube caches much cooler.
The strangely blue, red, white, orange, black and white eyed snipe! |
Squirrel Bison Tube Cache
Though not technically different than any other bison tube, the Squirrel Bison Tube Cache and any bison tubes attached to unusual objects should be recognized as a different cache, well when your writing the blog you can pretty much make your own rules. This guy was up on a hill in the woods, just where you'd think you would find him. The bison tube is painted to vaguely match his color to blend in, its a regular small bison tube with only space for a log. The bison tube is a great invention, as long as the "O" ring doesn't get lost, they keep the logs dry.
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Squirrel Bison Tube Cache (hope that tie wrap lets him breathe) |
Small Hard Plastic Cylinder Cache
Another long name but appropriate, the Small Hard Plastic Cylinder Cache , not sure why such a tough container was needed for just a log, but maybe it was the location. I found this on the Rhode Island coast, aside of an abandoned military bunker, maybe they found this container in there, it looks old. The metal scrap threaded in the hole on the screw off lid came in handy, I would have needed a pliers otherwise.
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Help Me I'm Trapped By This Branch!!! |
Log Halves Container Within Cache
So ok, that title is a little long, but here is the Log Halves Container Within Cache, that is the best I could come up with, I found this one at a park n ride, expected the regular MHK, but found this instead. Its a small log cut in half with the center hollowed out a bit, the top of the log have a big plastic tie running through the tops and around a tree limb, the container is held in place by the weight of the 2 pieces and oddly enough gravity. The only problem this one had was weather, any high winds knock the cache container out and onto the ground, well at least its in the tree line so it wasn't noticed by muggles, plus the container was camoed. Though the container wasn't real big, I did find a nice geocoin in it.
Half Circle Cache Rock
Didn't really know how to name this one, and one day I'll return to get a better shot. This is the Half Circle Cache Rock, when I found it, leaves covered it totally, I didn't know what to expect since it was listed as unknown. It had a fair amount of weight, and on the bottom flat side was a small plastic box in a carved out slot. The actual container was really a lock & lock small container with what looked like expanding foam to keep it in place, cool cache, my first rock/stone cache.
Half Circle Cache Rock ( nicely hidden) |
Lock & Lock underneath |
The Van is the Cache
Here is one you don't see everyday, The Van Is The Cache , the biggest cache I've found to date, so where do I start, well room is no problem, and waterproof, easily mobile. The down side is that it's kind of hard to hide, though its kind of the "hide in plain sight" type. In fact it took a while to figure this one out, the hint helped a lot, there was some lettering on the van that gave it away, so yes I've pixelated it to hide its identity. The cache is so large that it had its own TB hotel inside of it.
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The Van Is The Cache |
Inside The Cache (note bit of room for swag!!!) |
The Sucrets Tin Cache
This is the Sucrets Tin Cache , just make sure you clean it real well, as Sucrets are sticky. The bad part about these is they are not waterproof. You can fit a coin or two in them or some small items with a tiny log book, plus they fit inside of other things well, this one was in a false bottom of a birdhouse, nice!
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Sucrets Tin Cache exterior |
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Sucrets Tin Cache interior |
What The Heck Is This Cache?
This is what I call the What The Heck Is This Cache? , looking at it I'd have to guess its a heavy duty tube for architectural plans, at first glance one may think Bazooka, but its only pvc with a threaded end cap, also tied in place with a cable. This was very close to the highway and it made us get it done quick, since from a speeding car it might look kind of dangerous. If anyone out there knows the technical term for this one, let me know, but for now I'll have the WTHITC? designation, and who knows I may have many more of this type. You have to love inventive cachers! Just in case your wondering, it was packed to the gills with swag, I believe I got the unusually named Angry Bird Pig travel bug from this one, actually I'm not sure I just like saying Angry Bird Pig, it makes no sense, plus he was green to boot? Ok, maybe a shot of him would be nice, otherwise no one will believe me. ***Note See Comment Below***
Angry Bird Pig |
What The Heck Is This Cache? |
.50 Cal Ammo Cache
Ah, our favorites, well at least its my favorite kind, the .50 Cal Ammo Cache , who remembers the first one of these they found? What to they mean, well, everything inside should be dry. There is a lot of room in there for all kinds of fun stuff. It someone is gonna buy one of these, the cache should be good. This one isn't going to go awol due to the heavy duty wire binding it to the tree. Though the size of these makes hiding them inside big fallen trees, or in between boulders a general rule, some people really work on the camo around the cache, so its not always that easy. What is nice about them is they do well with painting, you can decorate the outsides. Also not many curious animals can get into one of these. The only draw back to them might be if muggles stumble upon you and see the box and not realize what is going on. I can see the bomb squad blowing up your cache full of Geocoins, cash and trinkets, well hopefully not. These are so nice that I may upload a few of the decorated ones I've found.
The Imfamous .50 Cal Ammo Box |
Pill Bottle Cache
Here is the Pill Bottle Cache, most of these are camoed or the outside prescriptions are gone, well at least we hope they are gone or someone might run out of the bushes with a Hipaa agreement in hand that you must sign in blood, well maybe not. Pill Bottle Caches are technically micro's, but it depends on the size as to its ability to hold more that a log and some real small items. Most are not waterproof, even though you'd think they should be since medication was in them. These are a cheap quick cache what most people can get from their medicine cabinet.
Pill Bottle Cache (with green camo tape)(should have used brown) |
Tall Camoed Lock & Lock
This is a Tall Camoed Lock & Lock , nice for hiding more swag than the smaller ones. Camo tape has been used to help hide from muggles ( non-geocachers). This cache was inside a big pipe, you really had to get on the ground to see and reach it. It was pushed in much further than this photo shows. This type is similar in size to a regular ammo box, but not as heavy or durable. Should be waterproof.
Tall Camoed Lock & Lock |
White Film Canister Cache
The ubiquitous White Film Canister Cache is a staple of the micro Geocache hide. Its cheap, well maybe not anymore since film prices are actually climbing due to the digital takeover. Easy to hide most places, waterproof, but really can only fit a log, micro geocoins, and some bits and pieces. Though I did find a great gold smiley face pin in one! The film canister holds a place in my heart due to the fact that I invited my mother on a mystery cache in the middle of it, she never did this before, and of course she was the one to find it, a film canister. Also the fact that I'm a photographer and I remember the film days. I guess I'm getting old. I've found them under rocks, in tree holes and used as a cache inside of a bigger container, like the Hole In The Log Cache . Also on one nice multi cache, someone used velcro on a film canister to hang it upside down behind a fence, light weight is an advantage here.
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The White Film Canister Cache (by rock cover) |
Magnetic Hide a Key Cache
The Magnetic Hide a Key Cache , what a great repurposed use of a common item for a cache. Used many times on guard rails the world over, this one was painted silver to try and match the AC it was under, it did a good job, not easily noticeable from a distance. Although the MHK as it is better known in the hints of caches is small, you can sometimes fit something tiny and maybe flexible inside with the log, I've seen silly bands and paper clips? I've also found them not to be remotely waterproof, also they make nice nesting spots for small spiders!
MHK silver type |
The Lunch Box
This one is the Lunch Box Cache , also another first for me, it was kind of surprising to me to find a Christmas lunch box in the middle of the woods, but I guess it takes all kinds, but no thermos inside with hot cocoa or anything like that. This was obviously a Christmas themed cache, and they picked the perfect cache type, it was so bright and out of place out in the woods, but many branches, sticks, leaves and the like were hiding it.
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Lunch Box Cache (not my best photo, but it was darkish out) |
Small Lock & Lock
This is your typical Lock & Lock type cache, its really for food, but cachers love them. This one has been painted with a slight camo effect. Since they are water proof, wet areas are perfect for them, this one is a bit small, but not the smallest of the Lock & Locks. They are good for small items, and will easily fit a nice sized log book.
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The Lock & Lock ( cache info blurred to protect the innocent) |
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Hole In Log Cache
This was the first of this type that I found, the Cache In Log Type, its a little plastic container that is used as the actual cache itself, the log has a hole drilled into it and the container placed in the hole and then the log is turned face down, it would have been a real tough cache, but it was the only thing in the area at GZ (ground zero), plus there was a hint on this one. The bark had started to separate due to age and probably from people playing with it so often. Still a cool cache though.
The hole, log and container. |
Cache In Log |
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